64年式、トヨペット コロナ RT40型

昭和・旧車・トヨタ・64年式、トヨペット コロナ RT40型


◎撮影場所 トヨタ博物館


Toyopet Corona Model RT40
Thanks to the success of the second-generation model RT20, the Corona left its initial troubles behind and steadily expanded its production volume, leading to the release of the new RT40 model in May 1964 that represented an all-out effort of Toyota. Improvements such as new dual headlamp styling were added, and the top speed was increased to 140 km/h. As a sales strategy to promote an image of a car for the highway era, a 100,000 km endurance test was conducted publicly on the newly opened Meishin Expressway. As a result, the Corona became Toyota’s leading brand in both foreign and domestic markets, and it didn’t take long before the company’s technology level reached international standards.




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