87年式、トヨタ ハイラックス サーフ

昭和・旧車・トヨタ ハイラックス サーフ


◎撮影場所 トヨタ博物館


The Hilux Surf first appeared in Japan in 1984 as a new, multi-purpose four-wheel drive vehicle that was a compact Toyota pickup truck of Hilux with a fiber-reinforced plastics (FRP) shell over the cargo bed. The vehicle was actually launched in North America in October of 1983 under the name “4Runner” prior to its debut in Japan. The combination of the very versatile multi-purpose wagon body and excellent off-road capability provided by the four-wheel drive dramatically expanded the range of possible leisure activities the vehicle could be used for. In the years since its initial introduction the vehicle has received acclaim as the pioneer of the mid-size SUV vehicle class.




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