


◎撮影場所 トヨタ博物館


Fredrick William Lanchester, a British automotive and aeronautical engineer, started manyufacturing and selling automobiles with highly original mechanisms in the early 1900s. The car on show is an innovative model that was in production between 1902 and 1904. It features a converted water-cooled engine taken from the inaugural Lanchester 10-hp air-cooled model(1901).Lanchester sought to achieve a quiet, safe, and comfortable ride through original design features, which included a unique engine mechanism to reduce vibration, a driver’s eye level in mind, a suspension system, and a fully automated lubrication system.To ensure all its parts were compatible, Lanchester built its own jigs and gauges before production ever started, and also began manufacturing machine tools in-house in 1902, including cutters for worm gear and rollers.When WWⅠbroke out in 1914, Frederick Lanchester applied his talents to the formulation of two mathematical principles for assessing military.




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