☆番外編(クラシック)34年(昭和09年)式.シボレー マスター シリーズDA(U.S.A./Chevrolet )

昭和・旧車・クラシックカー・シボレー マスター シリーズDA


◎撮影場所 トヨタ博物館


In the late 1920s, Chevrolet began to redesign its models nearly every year. In 1934, the company adopted a V-shaped radiator grille for the Master Sedan. The liberal use of chrome gave the car a luxurious look, while the low-slung body styling could be seen as an early attempt at streamlined design. The adoption of front-wheel independent suspension was remarkable, although it lacked structural integrity. It is worth noting that the Chevrolet’s engine served as a template for that of the Toyoda Model AA. The selection of this fuel-efficient straight 6-cylinder engine was sensible, not only in terms of parts compatibility but also from the viewpoint of economy.




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