☆番外編(クラシック)39年(昭和14年)式.パッカード トゥエルヴ “(U.S.A/Packard)

昭和・旧車・クラシックカー・パッカード トゥエルヴ


◎撮影場所 トヨタ博物館


Packard Twelve “Roosevelt’s Car”
Released in 1915, the Packard Twin Six with a V12 engine quickly gained popularity, and went on to dominate the social scene in the 1920s. In the early 1930s, the Twin Six was reintroduced with major changes, and was soon renamed the Packard Twelve. This model has often been associated with President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, because he selected it as his presidential limousine for its reliability and majestic power. The model in our collection dates from 1939, the last year Packard ever produced a V12 car. The stately body was made by Rollson Inc. (formerly Rollston), a distinguished coachbuilder. Despite the heavy armor plating and bullet-proof glass it carries, the presidential limousine appears sleek and elegant, as if to reflect the easygoing personality of FDR.




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