53年式、シトロエン 2CV タイプA(France/Citroen)

昭和・旧車・シトロエン・2CV タイプA


◎撮影場所 トヨタ博物館


Citroen 2CV Type A
This vehicle was first introduced at the 1948 Paris Motor Show(Salon de l’Automobile) and its somewhat strange styling earned it the derisive nickname of “ugly duckling” at the time. However, it was marketed as being able to “provide a comfortable ride, even over rough farm roads, which will not break the eggs in a basket” and its practical and rational design was able to meet the varied needs of the market at that time, making it a familiar site not only in France, but around the world. Approximately 3.87 million of these vehicles were manufactured over the course of 42 years from 1948 to 1990 without a major model change, making this the best-selling and longest-selling car model in the world.




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