60年式、シボレー コルベア(U.S.A/Chevrolet)

昭和・旧車・シボレー コルベア


◎撮影場所 トヨタ博物館


The Chevrolet Corvair was a new rear-engine vehicle featuring a newly designed air-cooled engine and General Motor’s answer to growing demand for more compact automobiles. In comparison to other models, which were simply scaled-down versions of large-size vehicles, the Corvair was designed as a completely new compact car and gained popularity due to its very diverse line-up of models, including a model equipped with a turbocharger. However, the first generation model was short-lived due to a serious safety issue affecting the vehicle’s handling that was brought to public attention via a PR campaign by Ralph Nader. This helped generate more momentum for the consumer movement in the United States and prompted the U.S. government to pass some of the first significant legislation concerning automobile safety.




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