☆番外編(クラシック)13年(大正2年)プジョー ベベ(France/Peugeot)

昭和・旧車・クラシックカー・プジョー ベベ


◎撮影場所 トヨタ博物館


Peugeot Bebe
From its early days, Peugeot had been keen on developing small cars for the French public. In 1905, the carmaker completed the first Bébé, an epoch-making popular car that sold as many as 400 units a year. It was Ettore Bugatti, however, who further advanced the car’s original concept with the new Peugeot Bébé in 1913. The sparsely equipped open 2-seater came with unique mechanisms and a small engine for its time, familiarizing the French people with the joy and convenience of having a car in their life. By 1916, more than 3,000 units were manufactured.




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